STMicroelectronics acquires GUI software specialist

发布时间:2018-07-11 00:00
来源:Neil Tyler

STMicroelectronics has announced that it has acquired the software specialist Draupner Graphics.


Draupner is the developer and supplier of TouchGFX, a software framework that provides graphics and smooth animations for embedded graphical user interfaces (GUI) with minimal resource requirements and power consumption. Hosted on 32-bit microcontrollers, TouchGFX enables high-end graphics across devices and systems, including smart home and building automation systems, appliances, wearables, and audio and video systems.

ST, the manufacturer of the STM32 family of MCUs, is a top supplier of 32-bit Arm Cortex-M-core MCUs supported by a hardware and software ecosystem. Several of the STM32 product lines already support TouchGFX.

“Draupner’s TouchGFX software is a highly advanced and optimised graphic user interface solution for microcontrollers. We have been working closely with the team for 5 years and regularly see the value TouchGFX is already delivering on STM32 MCUs in different consumer, appliances, industrial, and medical applications, said Daniel Colonna, Microcontroller Marketing Director, STMicroelectronics.

“The acquisition will accelerate both TouchGFX and STM32 roadmaps to offer embedded developers and their customers more advanced features, raising the bar of human-machine interfaces across all of the devices that people interact with every day.”



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