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Account login

Friendly reminder:
1. The mailbox that had been registered before but did not bind the mobile phone number. After logging in to the mailbox password, the mobile phone number needs to be bound;
2. Chinese Mainland does not support email password login, please login with mobile phone number verification code;
3. Purpose of binding email to phone number: Merge account data (order, inquiry, shopping cart, shipping address, points, etc.)
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According to the requirements of the national network security requirements, the login registered real -name system is particularly described as follows:
1. Chinese Mainland: Only mobile phone number verification code login is supported2. Overseas (including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, China): (1) Support login with mobile phone number verification code and email password; (2) If the country code of the email bound to the phone is+86, you can only log in through the phone number verification code;